Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas (Eve)


I haven't blogged in just over a week! I can't believe it I was doing so good this month in keeping up.

Anyway, let's see. The ex is here this weekend and it is going okay. Ready for him to go home though.... sad to say. I like my space but have enjoyed the slight break I have gotten from my kids. Tonight I went over to my parents without the kids (because of course this is dad's weekend) and they kept calling me asking when I would come back and what was for dinner and a million other things. I said that is why daddy is here, ask him. But, still the calls kept coming. Just a few hours, please, that is all I wanted! Oh well I love those kids more than anything and I came home a little early so I could spend time with them.

So let's see.... Got a few more presents to wrap. Make the green bean casserole for tomorrow. Made the cranberries already. Cookies in the oven. K put on a Magic show for us. It was so cute. The boys are running wild and I just hope they go to bed tonight so I can do the whole Santa thing.

Then just got a call from my supervisor. There is one more baby in the world today! A baby boy, 8lbs 10 oz.

Okay let's see what else! OH the Texans won against the Colts. That was cool as hell. Not to mention Goofball had gone to the game. I'm really happy that he was there and they won. Did I mention the beat the Colts? Oh yeah that was sooo cool.

Anyway, I am happy, fairly healthy and I have my kids and family!!!!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas. I hope you all have the same. Well wishes, warm hugs and lots of laughs.

Love you all.

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