Monday, August 18, 2008

Late Fun Monday - Assignment Aug 18

So I decided way late to do the Fun Monday assignment for this week! It is hosted by Lisa .

Here is the assignment: What is one thing you would like to ask your readers? Come up with a question to pose to your visitors and throw it out there on Monday. As we’re all visiting each other’s Fun Monday posts we should answer the various questions we come across.

My question is: if you could go back to 13 yr old you, what would you say to yourself?


ChrisB said...

Just out of the top of my head I would tell myself
'not to be hurt by hateful comments and work harder at school'

Unknown said...

Get a colonoscopy sooner - it's REAL important. That's what I would say to myself, and maybe don't marry the first idiot - but then again I wouldn't have my daughter, so maybe I should leave that one alone.

TxGambit said...

I would tell myself to take school more seriously, don't date Ed (he was an idiot!) and join the Navy a year sooner.

Anonymous said...

To enjoy my teen years and not be in such a hurry to grow up. And that the guy I was in love with and dated all through jr high and high school would turn out to be a two timing jerk.

Alison said...

funny...I have a 13 year old daughter right now!!

Be true to yourself, not worry about what other people think.