Saturday, January 13, 2007

100th POST!!!!!!

This is my 100th post! Whoohoooo. Be the first to comment and win bragging rights. Ha! And I will start a "Wall of Fame" list so I can record the bragging right winners..... (more contests to come!)

Anyway, I was just going to post a message about all the changes going on here at Single Mom.

I have changed my template and finally found one I like. However, I would LOVE to know more about templates because I really would rather make my own. Anyone know? Want to help me?

I have also added various links: friends' blogs, random websites I go to (just a small portion) and also the online news papers for the places I have lived. I still read those for the places I no longer live.

And, lastly, even though I feel like I have found me again, I know that my journey is far from over. There are things that happen daily as well as many topics I want to discuss. So stick with me and watch the evolution here at SINGLE MOM FINDING HERSELF!!!!!


Jenny, the Bloggess said...

I'm number one! I'm number one!

TxGambit said...

Jenny WINS!!!!

Jenny, the Bloggess said...


Man. I should go to Vegas. I'm hot today.

TxGambit said...

If you go to Vegas, can I go too?

Maybe some of your lucky would rub off on me. :)